The Ramky One Orion is in Pocharam. Please find the landmarks & property on the map here
The Ramky One Orion was Approved by the RERA.
The occupancy status as on 07-Jan-2024 for Ramky One Orion is April, 2027. The occupancy date is 02-Apr-2027. Please find the construction progress details here.
Ramky One Orion has 830 units available as on 07-Jan-2024. Please find more details on the available units based on the unit type, floor space, and facing here.
The Ramky One Orion base-price range is Rs. 69,56,235 to Rs. 1,00,35,675. The price does not include highrise charges, corner flat charges, amenities, extra car parking, registration charges, etc. Please contact the seller to get the overall price based on the unit type, floor space, and facing here.
The Ramky One Orion base Sq. Ft price is Rs. 5,499. The price does not include highrise charges, corner flat charges. There will be extra charges on amenities, extra car parking, registration charges, etc. Please contact the seller to get the overall price based on unit type, floor space, and facing here.
Ramky One Orion is a combination of next-gen design, stylish architecture & world class amenities crafted to provide your loved ones a life beyond ordinary. Located in the rapidly developing Pocharam-Uppal corridor, Ramky Orion is a step above rest setting new standards of living. With 6 towers, G+16 floors spanning 1144 flats, these 3 BHK Flats in Pocharam-Uppal are the place to be at!
Near the upcoming 4-lane flyover that will significantly cut down travel time to Uppal, Ramky One Orion is also located in great vicinity to the planned 235 km long Hyderabad- Warangal industrial corridor making it a smart choice in every aspect.