The Team4 ARKA is in Khajaguda. Please find the landmarks & property on the map here
The Team4 ARKA was Approved by the RERA.
The occupancy status as on 06-Mar-2024 for Team4 ARKA is March, 2028. The occupancy date is 31-Mar-2028. Please find the construction progress details here.
Team4 ARKA has 870 units available as on 06-Mar-2024. Please find more details on the available units based on the unit type, floor space, and facing here.
The Team4 ARKA base-price range is Rs. 1,99,25,880 to Rs. 4,14,49,590. The price does not include highrise charges, corner flat charges, amenities, extra car parking, registration charges, etc. Please contact the seller to get the overall price based on the unit type, floor space, and facing here.
The Team4 ARKA base Sq. Ft price is Rs. 9,399. The price does not include highrise charges, corner flat charges. There will be extra charges on amenities, extra car parking, registration charges, etc. Please contact the seller to get the overall price based on unit type, floor space, and facing here.
Approx 100-140 Sft of Private Lobby for every Flat (Yes, every flat at No additional Cost)
Dedicated Garden Area at the Entrance of each flat (Yes, every flat at No additional Cost)
Separate VRV Area for each flat. (Yes, every flat at No additional Cost)
More than 75% Open Area with Massive Central Courtyard.
Six indoor Badminton courts and many more in the Massive Clubhouse.
Only 4 or 5 flats per floor with 5 High Speed Lifts in each Tower. All are corner flats.
Dedicated Amenities like Business Lounge, Meeting Rooms etc in each Tower(at Bottom Two Levels).
Most of the flats with Private Servant Room attached to the Private Lobby.
Big Balcony for each flat to Experience the Uninterrupted view All around.
Floor to Floor Height of 11 feet with Grand 8 Ft Height Doors
Express Ramps for All Basements.
High end Specifications like Large format tiles, Aluminum windows, Glass Balconies and Elevation.