Alternative formula to purchase to access a home

It is no surprise that the formula to satisfy their right to housing is the purchase. In fact, the rent promotion policies that have been put in place during the last few years have not prevented. more than 75% of the people who are currently tenants of a property from declaring themselves desirous of acquiring one property in the future.

The idea of ​​property with security and freedom," while looking for rent "a lower economic cost and facilitation of movement for all these reasons, the dichotomy between buying and renting has characterized with the recent introduction of some timid variants, such as rental with option to purchase.

More people are holders of a shared house this formula consists of the buyer and seller sharing the ownership of a property for a period of time: The buyer acquires an initial percentage of the property and then increases that participation progressively until the entire property is obtained.

Of course, it establishes that the following purchases will be at least 10% of the property and that the entire process will not exceed 30 years unless both parties agree.

It is a formula "that can be compared to a lease with an option to buy ". However, it differs from the previous one in that it "allows the acquirer to become the owner of the home" from the first moment.

Obtaining the right to use a property is also the objective of the housing cooperatives under the cession of use regime, deeply rooted in the Scandinavian countries, Germany and Latin America. According to this formula, the municipalities have the right to use a land. 

These buildings, which until now were used as holiday accommodation, are trying to develop a new property formula.

By:  Shailaja K