The Hyderabad Airport Metro Limited received two prominent bids from L&T Ltd and NCC Ltd for the Rs 5,688-crore tender to choose EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) contractor for the Airport Metro project.
L&T already runs the Hyderabad metro through a Public-Private Partnership model.
Preparatory works for the Rs 6,250 crore Airport Metro project are done. The proposed 31 km corridor between Raidurg metro station and Airport terminal station will have a heightened portion of 29.3 km and an underground portion of 1.7 km.
The 9-station and 31-km long Metro will link the IT hub of Hitec City to Rajiv Gandhi International Airport.
HAML's managing director NVS Reddy stated that both companies have obtained a security deposit worth Rs 29 crores as bank guarantees. They submitted documents accentuating their project executions, experience, technical and financial strengths, audited financial statements and more.
In June, the HMDA and GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd announced their contribution of 10% each for the project.